
Keeping track of updates to this site

What Is This About?

The IT folks hope to shut down our department's legacy Apache web server, so I'm in the process of moving my web presence, such as it is, elsewhere, with elsewhere being github, at least for now. I probably won't move much of the old stuff over, since it's, well, old, but if there was something on my old web page that was useful to you, send me an email and I'll see what I can to to make it available again.

Course Web Pages

Tonight I decided to hide the web pages for courses I'm currently teaching under the "Teaching" menu up above, so if you're in my probability class, you know what to do.

Brett Presnell
Brett Presnell
Associate Professor of Statistics

My research interests include nonparametric and computationally intensive statistics, model misspecification, statistical computing, and the analysis of directional data.